And the winner is….
With over 2100 entries, the winner of the Speech Buddies giveaway, via Rafflecopter’s random selection, is Natalie B. from Houston, Texas!!!!!
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this giveaway! Natalie has been an SLP since 2008 and currently works in the public schools with elementary and middle school students, ages 3-15 years. Her caseload consists of a mix of language and articulation students. Natalie also happens to be the author of the blog and face book page, Just Wright Speech, which she started in January 2013. If you want to visit her blog and say “congrats” you can visit her at :
So many of your stories tugged at my heart strings as you expressed how and why you could use Speech Buddies. Many of you were parents and even more of you were speech-language pathologists. Some of you said school budgets (or your own wallets) wouldn’t permit the purchase of these tools and others were just plain frustrated with slow progress, no progress or in search of another method of addressing speech sound placement. Believe me, if I could, I would send a set of Speech Buddies to each and every one of you. I thank you all for participating in this great giveaway! I will be planning other giveaways and freebies in the future so please keep checking your face book page for updates! Until next time, “Speak Well and Eat Well!”
A few months ago, I had the opportunity to review Speech Buddies while working with one of my private therapy clients. Today, thanks to the generosity of Articulate Technologies Inc., I have the pleasure to share with you a chance to receive your very own FULL SET of Speech Buddies tools (valued at $299!!) Please be sure to follow the link to the review I wrote (including a video demonstration from one of my therapy sessions.)
After reading the review, I hope you too will find this product to be a valuable addition to your bag of therapy tricks!
You can enter the rafflecopter giveaway from Tuesday, March 12th through Tuesday, March 19th.
One winner will be notified and announced on my facebook page, website and via email.
Entrants must live in the United States—this includes Hawaii, Alaska, APO/AE, and Territories—- and be willing to share their mailing address.
I found it fitting to run this giveaway around St. Patty’s Day in hopes of giving everyone the “Luck of the Irish” —–GOOD LUCK!!

My son is Developmentally disabled and we believe also may have Aprexia. I would Love to try these for him. Since our insurance does not cover speech therapy for him. He gets very little at athe age of 4 in his school setting. So some extra help at home with these I bet would do wonders!!!
The majority of my caseload consists of students that are working on the sounds that Speech Buddies targets. The buddies will add another tool to my “toolbox” to help the students learn correct tongue positioning (and hopefully reduce caseload). 🙂
I recently discovered these through the magic of social networking and would absolutely love to be able to add them to my ever growing toolbox! Fingers crossed 🙂
I have a couple of hardcore r and s kids that I hope will benefit from Speech Buddies.
I am a Speech Therapist who continues to read all about the Speech Buddies and would love to win my own set of them.
I would love to try this with some of my clients with motor speech disorders! Looks like a great product!
They would be an AMAZING item for my grandson. He was born 16 weeks early and had a 5 month NICU stay. He had Bilateral grade 4 brain bleeds among other things. He will be turning 3 on April 4th and is still non-verbal. He is the LOVE of our lives and brings us SO much JOY. He is also the best thing that ever happened to this family. My birthday is March 15th and I couldn’t imagine a better gift for the two of us!!!
I have read about these and seen them used but never actually used them myself. As a soon to be graduate I would love to these to my small (but growing!) “toolbox”!
I would love to have these for my students! I wish I could afford them, but hopefully I have the luck of the Irish!
I have many students with different articulation goals and the buddies would help so much. I would love to be able to add speech buddies to my therapy kit. I have previously talked to my boss about purchasing speech buddies for our speech department.
I have been wanting to try these Speech Buddies FOREVER!!!! I am crossing my fingers and toes that I win this contest! I work in a private pediatric clinic where these would come in handy for so many of my kids who just need that extra tactile cueing to help with tongue and lip position to get their sounds out correctly!!
I have a number of touh cases on my caseload ranging from r to lateral lisps. This equipment would be used to promote tactile awareness as well as correct sound productions.
I thought about purchasing these at least 7 times today! lol Thanks for the review and giveaway!
I would absolutely LOVE to try out these Speech Buddies on some of my difficult artic kids! Fingers crossed for this one!!
I have some students at school who just cannot find the correct placement for some sounds…these would be so fantastic in enabling me to better shape the correct sounds!
These are AWESOME! I agree that a disposable tip seems like a nice addition to the current product. I think this tool would be great for the older artic clients who are just working on those “trickier” sounds like /r/, and who just need to figure out the placement in order to practice. I also like that the client gets to practice the movement by unfurling the tip of the Speech Buddy. I will definitely have to look into buying myself a set if the price goes down (or if I get impatient waiting and decide to splurge anyway). 🙂
This would benefit my son very much. My son is non verbal with oral motor issues and I feel this tool would be of great help for him.
I am in private practice, which means no budget for new therapy materials! I was blessed to get ahold of the /r/ Speech Buddy a few months ago at a great price…..let me tell you how much I love it! I find that the tactile feedback is so beneficial. It’s not a miracle tool, but as part of a complete therapy approach, it is so useful! I have a 4th grader on my caseload who is apraxic and who struggles with almost every speech sound….I’d love to have a complete set to use with him especially, but also a few other tricky students on my caseload! Thanks for the giveaway!
I have several children really battling with correct tongue placement, so “Speech Buddies” would be so helpful.
Would love to try these out, and add it to my bag of tricks!
I have two hardcore R students that I think Speech Buddies could really help.
I recently attended a conference that demonstrated the use if the Speech Buddies. I would love a set for my therapy room.
Having the Speech Buddies would be a Godsend for my kids. I have more cases of misarticulated /r/ and /l/ than ever before. Would love to own Speech Buddies to help my kids meet there goals in record time and get them out of the speech room and back into life.
I’m an SLP grad student and I’ve heard nothing but good things about Speech Buddies! I’d love to get my hands on some 🙂
I have kiddos who have worked on vocalic /r/ literally for years, and cannot elevate their tongues. I would surely love to have a tool to help make this possible for them.
I have a lot of kiddos with have a difficult time with the sh and ch. I think this will be another tool to help these kiddos
I have wanted a set of these for awhile but, unfortunately, get an extremely small budget. These would be perfect for the speech-only kiddos on my caseload!
This could be SO great for my kids that have the motivation but struggle to apply all the strategies to produce /r/!
I would love to get a set of these to try out with some students. I have several that could benefit from extra placement cues.
I would love to try these out. I heard about them at several seminars. I have a few kids in mind that are struggling to produce a few sounds.
Speech buddies will be great addition to articulation therapy! These tools would be
great for stubborn artic cases.
I have seen speech buddies and would love to try them.
This would be great for my /r/ and /s/ kids!
I am not a speech professional, just a mom with a couple kids that have speech issues. I hope these would help both my 8 year old and 6 year old. Thanks for offering this!
I have a child with a severe frontal and lateral lisp. He also has difficulty with vocalic and prevocalic /r/. This would be wonderful to try out with him.
Love the /sh/ and /ch/ speech buddies!! Would love to have the others for other kids!!
I would love to add Speech Buddies to my thearpy tool back — especially have them in mind for a particular student working on /r/.
I’m a school-based SLP who would love these. I have so many students who could benefit, particularly the ones with /r/ goals.
I have heard so many great things about the Speech Buddies! I am an SLP to be who could use these with so many artic clients!
I am a graduate student working in the schools & about to finish my degree. These would be an awesome resource to help build my materials collection and to help teach those harder sounds!
These look great for those sounds that are so hard for kids to visualize! I have some kids who are really struggling with r,ch, and sh placement.
would love to use Speech Buddies at school with my articulation kids< especially lateral /s/ and /r/ cases!
I have heard great things about Speech Buddies from others, and would love to have a set of my own. I will be graduating with my master’s in speech-language soon, and I am looking for materials to add to my collection
I have many students on my elementary school caseload that have goals that the Speech Buddies would help with, including a lateral lisp. I’m very interested to see how good the speech buddies would help!
With how difficult it is to get a tongue placement for an R phoneme the Speech Buddies would be a valuable tool to help my students.
I have been wanting these for my two sons ever since I saw them. They both have severe aritculation difficulties and can’t recieve speech therapy at school. We would love these for home use.
I am SLP who works in a public school. I have a lot of kiddos working on the /r/ sound and have been wanting to try Speech Buddies on them since they have been struggling for a while now. Would love to have my own set as our budget at the school is really tight.
Would really like to use this with some of my challenging R cases.
I would like to try speech buddies with my apraxic students!
I want! I have mostly articulation students on caseload and some just don’t understand what they are supposed to do with their mouths despite progress. All the reviews of this product have been fantastic.
I have many children on my caseload working on the sounds Speech Buddies target. Several of them are not responding to any of my usual tricks. Speech Buddies would help them learn tongue placement for correct production.
I have many students who are not able to physically see the sounds they are trying to produce due to the placement of the sound /r, l, s/ anyone? Some have difficulty moving their tongue due to motor speech disorders, or anatomical issues. Having a tool that would help them FEEL the correct placement would be very helpful! Especially when I can’t use my own fingers or tools, 1. because it’s unsanitary and 2. because I can’t get my own fingers to do what Speech Buddies can!
I think Speech Buddies are awesome! I started a new position at a charter school with low speech funds. Winning this would be amazing for my kids!
Saw this on a friend’s wall. This product seems great! My 5 year old has autism and as apraxia of speech, therefor non verbal
I see about 100 kids a week, so I have to say that teaching sounds quickly and as efficiently as possible is a MUST! I would just love to have these as a tool for my school kiddos
I have some tricky /r/ kids that could benefit from more tactile modes.
These sound amazing and I would love to try them with my kiddos!
Specifically with my students who are really struggling with /r/.
I want Speech Buddies to cut down on the length of therapy for my middle school students. Time for these kiddos to graduate speech!
to be honest, I am not sure how Speech Buddies will benefit my students. I admit I am a little skeptical but intrigued at the same time. I think that if they could help with the dreaded vocalic R then I would be happy.
I am a CF just beginning my career as an SLP. The speech buddies would help me improve my students’ speech and help them be proud of the progress they make!
This looks like such a great tool, especially for those tricky artic cases. Thanks for the opportunity!
I work part time doing online therapy-I think these tools would be really beneficial for my students.
I have a very heavy articulation caseload and despite all efforts, some of my kiddos are just “stuck”. This would a great tool and a fresh approach that might help breakthrough with them!
I would like to try speech buddies with my students that have been “stuck” on certain sounds for a while. This may be the breakthrough they need. Thanks.
I have a handful of kiddos struggling to hit that perfect s, sh, and r. I’m hoping Speech Buddies can help them get to that perfect production. That moment is always so exciting and rewarding! 🙂
I have quite a few kids on my caseload working on later developing sounds… and we get to a certain point and then we sometimes get stuck… this would be a fantastic addition to my speech toolbox!! Thanks for reviewing!
I can’t wait to try these product!
I am a graduate student gearing up to graduate in August (yeah!!). I have been copying all kinds of resources out of my supervisors “toolkits” but would love to start my very own toolbox with “Speech Buddies”. After reading your review, it looks like a wonderful tool to begin my career with. Thanks for the opportunity!
I’m an SLP in schools, covering grades K-8. I am desperate for help with /r/…does anyone actually like working on that sound? I’ve watched Speech Buddies on a video and was amazed!! Thank you for creating such a great tool for us!
I work with young students with articulation difficulties from Pre K to 2nd grade. I’d especially like to use this with a kindergarten student with a lateral s, who stabilizes his tongue medially. While he cognitively understands the idea of medial airflow, he cannot yet modify his s productions despite his hard work at school and follow up at home. We have modified his program to work on central airflow for sh, but I’d love to give him some success using this tool! There are lots of other takers as well, but he is my standout choice to try out this intervention!
Thank you for your review of the Speech Buddies! I’ve been wondering if these would be good tools for my students, especially for the troublesome /r/. They seem like a wonderful to establish proper placement.
I am always up for trying something different, and I think some of my students might agree! Thanks for the review.
I am a new speechie (just graduated in August!) and would love to add the Speech Buddies to my collection of materials! My materials at my site are pretty minimal, which is hard when I have such a large caseload! I have a lot of students struggling with these sounds, and would definitely appreciate having another tool to help out : ) The review was thorough and informative!!
I have quite a few kids that have been working on /r/ and just can’t get it no matter what technique or trick we try. I would love to try out the Speech Buddies!
Would love to add speech buddies to my SLP toolbox….just a little over my budget though. Fingers crossed!!
Speech Buddies would be a great addition to my bag of tricks and I think they would be useful with all my artic students, especially with that pesky /r/.
I would use this with a variety of articulations students on my caseload. I have some tricky hold-over /r/ kiddos that I would love to try this tool with!
I have students working on r, s, and sh whose tongue placement may benefit from using Speech Buddies!
Speech Buddies would benefit my caseload because I have numerous students who need help with positioning for /r/. 🙂
This seems like a great tool to add to my repertoire. Thank you for reviewing and for finagling the giveaway! 🙂
I am always looking for more ways to perfect those “good enough” r and s sounds. I would love to try these tools for the tough kids.
I would love them for my son, he is six years old and has a hard time pronouncing his letters, articulation disorder. I feel the speech buddies would help him tremendously. I sure hope we win!!
Working in the school setting with very little funding makes it hard to buy this. Would love to use this with some stubborn /r/ and lateralized /s/ students.
I would love to win these. I want to try them with my daughter so that I might recommend them to my clients.
This would be a great addition to my practice. I am hoping and praying for this one! Thanks!
What a great giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity!
I know the speech buddy for ‘r’ would be highly effective! Sometimes just getting the placement is he hardest part. I have wanted these for a year and trying to save to buy them!
These would be great to use with some of my kiddos 🙂 I’ve read and heard about them, but never had the opportunity to use them! Thanks for the offer!!
I’m a beginning clinician, and a grad student. I would LOVE to learn how to use these, and be able to see it in action during treatment!
I have students who I think would benefit from this. I’d like to try it and see if it works.
I have so many children on my caseload who could benefit from these tools. I’m particularly interested to try the /s/ tool for my clients struggling to correct lateral lisps!
I have several kiddos who are working on articulation sounds. Some of those kiddos are having a hard time producing the sounds, especially my newest kiddo who lateralizes his /s/, and a couple /r/ kiddos. I think speech buddies would be really helpful for those kiddos who aren’t responding to my go-to articulation tricks.
These would be so helpful! Thanks for the opportunity!!
I have a couple of very involved articulation kids whose needs stretch beyond typical remediation. This think the Speech Buddy tools would make an great addition to our treatment plan.
I have so many students working on the /r/ and /s/. The speech buddies would be perfect for a couple of them who continue to struggle with tongue placement. I’ve entered every giveaway with no luck, hopefully I’ll get this one!
These will benefit a great deal of kids on my caseload. Especially those working on /r/!
This would be very helpful for some students I have who have difficulty with /s/ (lateralized, frontalized, tongue thrust). I would love to try this out!
I would love to have these.
I would love to add these to my toolbox! I have a few kids who just cannot understand tongue positioning for some sounds no matter what I try! Hopefully Speech Buddies can help me out with that 🙂
I’m willing to try anything that might possibly work for my kids that just can’t seem to get it.
I am an SLP working in the school setting and have close to 80 kids on my caseload. The Speech Buddies would be perfect to help many of my kids meet their goals faster.
I am a graduate student studying speech pathology and I have a passion for working with kids. I think that this would be a great addition for working with artic kids especially for teaching those tricky /l/ and /r/ sounds! This would be great to add to future resource kit!
Thanks for the review. I would love to try these tools! I need something to help it “click” for some kiddos – they are getting frustrated (let’s face it, so am I). Thanks for a chance to win these!
I would love to compare success with these and traditional approaches with my kids.
Please! Would live to use with my students! Thanks!
It would help my older kids finally get it on these sounds!
These nifty tools would be beneficial and used with my kids who have multiple disabilities along with speech impairments. Most of my “speech only” kids have the cognitive ability and oral awareness to produce the desired articulatory placement in time. My “speech plus” kiddos, have the greatest amount of difficulty with articulation placement, and simple just ‘don’t get’ what i mean when i say where the placement needs to be for proper production. Having this tool would in a sense be training wheels until they develop that skill and awareness to develop consistent placement and proper production.
Thank you!!
I have many artic kids!
I am an SLP in the schools, and so many of my students could benefit from these!!!
Thank you for the opportunity to enter to win the Speech Buddies set. I believe this would be an essential tool in my repertoire!
I would love to have a set of these! I think my students would benefit so much with the use of the tools!
This tool might be just what I need to teach students that really struggle with the /r/ sound. I would like to use the /l/ tool with a student of mine who has Downs.
I love my speech buddies, I have 1 set, but would love for my /r/ kids not to have to take turns every other week.
My classroom budget was cut to zero and winning these amazing tools would make my year!
I would love to try these with a few of my patients that are working on these tough sounds!
I also have a few difficult cases that would benefit from the Speech Buddies!! Thank you for this incredible giveaway!!!
I would love this for all my kiddos at school
Many kids on my school caseload would benefit from these tools!
Speech Buddies would be used with many patients at our outpatient hospital setting! Many of my coworkers have heard me talk about my interest in Speech Buddies. Sure hope to get the opportunity to work these tools soon.
I work in a school district and have some students who just can’t figure out the correct placement not matter how I have been trying to show them.
I am SLP that works in an outpatient clinic- these look like a great tool to use with my kids!
I’ve enjoyed trying these tools out in my clinical setting and many other SLPs would love to own a set of my own. Thanks!
I love Speech Buddies!!!!
Really want to try these. See if my skills plus these gadgets will make a difference to those that have you stumped. Hope I’m lucky for St. Patrick’s day.
Would love to win this! My daughters been in speech since preschool and is now in 6th grade would make a wonderful gift for her amazing speech teacher!
I’m a soon to b CF working in private practice and chartered to the schools. I would love the experience of working with Speech Buddies! One of our professors brought them in and he was also testing them out and loved them!
This would with those pesky /r/ & /s/ sounds!
I have a few very tricky articulation cases and I’d love to try this tool!
I am a school based SLP. My caseload is full of students who have lateralized /s/ and “sh” distortions. Speech buddies could be the “luck” I need to help my students!
Would love to give these a try. I have read about these many times and I can see just about any artic kid getting some benefit from these. I think they could be used for tongue thrust issues and maybe even some feeding issues. Will be completing my CFY next year and obviously have little to no resources/supplies. I need all the help I can get! 🙂
So many of my kiddos are unable to to figure out where to place their tongues and this would be amazing to have to show them.
I love Speech Buddies! They have helped students who have been having a hard time establishing a sound (particularly /r/ and /s/ :)) achieve and more importantly feel, the correct placement. Would love another set!!
I have just heard about speech buddies in my speech meeting today and I am excited to try them out with all those kids who just can’t get placement for lateral s!
I’m a K-5 public school SLP with many stubborn /s/ and /r/ students. I am always looking for tips and techniques to help them progress. I’m excited about the idea of adding a brand new resource like Speech Buddies!
I have a few speech kiddos who I would be interested to try these with in therapy.
My school has ordered a set for me but with 4 other therapists in our speech department, it would be great to have another set! Looking forward to using them!
Would love to use with my two cousins, and with my students who have articulation difficulties!
These are fantastic! Nothing like it and tactile cues works so great. Cant wait to own them.
I would love to use these with my students, especially with students with “r” difficulties.
Would LOVE to have a set of speech buddies to use with my caseload! I met some of the representatives @ ASHA this year. Definitely want this product. Pick me pick me!! My birthday is Saturday too 😉
I have a really tough case with a lateralized /s/. I have heard great reviews and would like to give it a go. Thanks for the opportunity!
I have several stubborn “R” cases….one of whom is a Junior in high school. He would be the first student I would try these on. Of course, there are others, but I am most concerned about my high schooler.
Tracy Morlan
I have some challenging kiddos on my caseload and I’m willing to try almost anything to help them be better communicators. This would be a great addition to my personal tools!
These would be a great addition to my materials ‘toolbox!’ I have quite a few articulation students on my caseload and I would love to try these out. Thank you for the chance!!
I would like to use the Speech Buddies with my elementary kids to provide the tactile feedback that some kids need for those tricky sounds. With school budgets being slashed, it’s difficult for school divisions to fund these tools.
These would be so beneficial in my practice!!
I have wanted to purchase the Speech Buddies for a long time. Too bad my budget hasn’t made this a possibility. I feel like they would be an excellent addition to my therapy tools!
I am a speech pathologist in a public school. I have many students with /r/ distortions and several with lateral lisps. I think Speech Buddies may be just what some of them need!
I got to meet the inventor in my Articulation Disorders class at San Francisco State and I was very impressed with the use of speech buddies in therapy. Winning a set will assist me in treating children who have articulation difficulties. I’m almost done with my program and so excited to become a speech-language pathologist!
I would love to try these! I have a middle schooler with apraxia who can’t get tongue placement for/r/. Maybe this would help!
Would love to be the winner!!!
I’ve been looking into this for my son who has difficulty with many of his letter sounds but private therapy is too expensive. Few people can understand a lot of what he’s saying and I’m concerned that it is causing frustration and has him retreating a bit into his own world. Winning it would be a real blessing for us.
I would love to have a set of these to work with some of students who have difficulty with the sounds they are designed to work with. I had the privilege of seeing them at a conference a couple of years ago.
I have several students working on R and S that would 100% benefit from the speech buddies. Many of them will be going into 5th and 6th grade and really struggle with these speech sounds. They get very frustrated and upset which breaks my heart. Speech buddies rock!
Thank you for your review and giveaway! These would be perfect for some of my artic students who are having a difficult time learning placement for their sounds.
I think at least half of my caseload would benefit from my having a set of these – I have children and adults with severe oral-motor dyspraxias and others with ‘simple’ articulation errors. Some of my people have picked up some of their sounds easily, yet really struggle with others and some who struggle with all of them. I’m not sure if anyone in New Zealand has a set of these yet, but I wold like to be at least one of the first!!
I run a non-profit speech therapy clinic and would love to receive these to help our kiddos!!
I would love to have a these to try with students who do not respond as quickly to traditional methods and for those pesky /s/ and /r/’s.
I’m really interested in trying out Speech Buddies and seeing what’s been added to the field of literature for it. Thanks for the giveaway!
I am just finishing graduate school and would love to grow my collection of materials with these!
I would love the opportunity to use these tools with my growing caseload! Especially for the /r/ and /s/ tools! Thanks!
This would be great for my r and s kiddos!
What an exciting opportunity! I would love to use these with the students on my caseload to give them another chance to experience success! Thank you!
I would LOVE to win a set of these! I was skeptical at first, but after reading a few positive reviews from practicing therapists, I’m convinced!
I would love to try these!
I would love to use these! There are several sounds that I have a hard time eliciting and I could never afford these so it would be a great blessing if I win them!
This would be a great tool for those kinds that need that input inside the mouth! I would love a set of these 🙂
I’ve been making and adapting my own disposable tools for years, and they probably aren’t nearly as effective as Speech Buddies. But due to a $0 budget, I just haven’t been able to afford them. I’m very hopeful that I win, but I wish, in advance, a hearty congratulations to the winner, whomever that may be. And thank you so much for the opportunity!
I have several kids that these would be coming in handy with in therapy.
I would LOVE to have a set of these to work with my artic kiddos! I have looked at them many times but it is difficult to put out the money when I haven’t used them. Good to see reviews — definitely putting in my reference bank for when I look for new therapy tools.
So MANY students are working on the sounds that Speech Buddies targets! I am interested in any research that might have been done on their effectiveness and/or would enjoy participating in a study comparing “traditional therapy” vs. the tactile input provided by this tool. How amazing would it be to win?!
Would love to try these out.
I would love to have a set of Speech Buddies to,help students that have difficulty with stimulability!
Speech Buddies would be the miracle treatment for through impossible /r/! it would. also be great for the little ones who have difficulty comprehending oral motor positioning!
I would love to give these a whirl with some of my tougher CAS and motor speech clients
I need these!! I have some tough /r/ and /s/ students that I’d like to see “graduate” And it is my birthday today. 😉
I’m hoping that these will help some of my “lifers.” You know, those persistent /r/ kiddos! I’ve been hesitant to buy my own set, but I’d like to see these in action!
Who wouldn’t benefit from the use of The Speech Buddies!?! I could totally correct some speech sound errors using these devices, and cut down my current caseload! Everyone would be happy! 🙂
I would love to be able to try these at work!!
I would love to have Speech Buddies in my speech tool bag. Money is tight in our county and most money goes for paying for tests only. I either buy my therapy materials or make my own. These buddies would be great for working on placement cues.
I would love to use these with some of my difficult artic cases, one of which is a kindergarten student, who is not stimulable for a lot of fricatives. Thanks for the giveaway!
These look so interesting, and would benefit many of the kids I work with!
These would be great to have as part of my daily toolkit!
Thank you for your informative review. I am an SLP working with grades 3-5. Many of my students have difficulty producing /r/ and /s/ and the bad habits are ingrained and hard to break. I would love to try this product and help my students feel successful producing their target sounds!
Looks interesting, I have the perfect stubborn-R kiddo in mind…
I have wanted a set of these for awhile and could never afford them due to an extremely small budget. These would be perfect for the many kiddos on my caseload!
I’ve been asking around about Speech Buddies for awhile now. I can’t wait to try this with some of my clients who benefit from tactile cues. If I win this set, I’d love to be able to share the good review with my colleagues in my school district!
I have sooo many /r/ and /s/ students on my caseload this year and this would definitely help!! Thanks!
I have seen these in action and know how effective they are. I would love to own a set for my preschoolers.
I would love to try out a whole set of Speech Buddies. Wish there was a way to have disposable tips so that you didn’t have to sanitize with each student.
I have so many students who are having trouble getting the right placement for those hard to make sounds. I would love to try this and see if it would be just the thing they need to get those sounds right!
I will be starting at an elementary school next year and I know I could use these everyday!
This will help me with my caseload by giving me an extra tool that I can use with my kiddos. Especially with the /r/ and lateral lisp… some kids just need something different after trying everything!
I desperately need these tools in order to provide more efficient therapy. I have too many students that have been receiving students for too long! I think these tools will allow the students to receive feedback for placement quickly and will hopefully progress faster!
I’ve have been dying to try Speech Buddies for the past three years. I have several kiddies who would benefit, but two in particular I’ve been trying to get off my caseload (but they both have persistent /r/ issues). UGH! I really need to decrease y casload and I really think this would help. Thank you for offering these to your readers and Thanks to Speech Buddies for sharing!
Wow, a different type of tool to pull out of my bag of tricks. I agree with so many that this may be the ticket for those students who have been targeting the /s/ or /r/ for several years, and need that alternate approach to reach their goal. This would be excellent to bring them to their goals, finally.
Oh my would these help my clients! I have quite a few who have real difficulty with articulator placement! Speech Buddies have been on my wishlist for quite awhile now – would love the chance to try them out! Thanks for the opportunity to win them!
I have a child on my caseload with a repaired cleft palate and would love to use another method to help facilitate proper sound production for “pesky” sounds such as the /r/ sound. I appreciate the opportunity to obtain these speech buddy tools!
I have some older students who cannot get the correct tongue placement for /r/. I have been checking these out! Would love to try these!
Looking forward to using these in the adult outpatient setting!
I’d love to be able to use all of these with my caseload!
So want a set of these for work. Would love to have them.
I have been hearing great things about this product & would love to try them on students who have worked so hard on their articulation, but are still struggling.
Is Speech Buddies appropriate for grown up like in the 30’s? Thanks