If you’re looking for an app that knows how to help you COMMUNICATE IT, FACILITATE IT and INCORPORATE IT in your speech therapy sessions, then you must get ARTICULATE IT! I love using this app with my “artic” kids! And to help me CELEBRATE IT, I’m giving away a copy thanks to the generosity of Smarty Ears! (along with a copy of my TpT item–Phonological Awareness Football!) —A giveaway times TWO!! But first, let’s walk through the functions of this very comprehensive tool that you’re going to want to add to your therapy regimen.
The first thing worth mentioning is that Smarty Ears recently updated this app’s visual appearance and layout (version 3.2). While I thought it was great before, it’s even better now! The graphics are kid-friendly and visually appealing to your younger students yet just as appropriate for your middle schoolers. (Personally, I love the cute little dinosaur featured on various screens.)
To get things rolling, enter your student’s names and select a picture or avatar to represent them. The kids always have fun picking out their characters from the multitude of choices that are available. Up to 6 players can participate in a session…..
……but first chose the areas you will be addressing. I love how well organized this app is. It has broken down the sounds by phonemes, phonological processes, manner of articulation, and number of syllables. This way, you can fully customize the specific goals of each student all in one place at one time. While Johnny may be working on /s/ in the initial position, you can also work with Sally on final consonant deletion—in the same session, at the same time and keep track of their progress while you’re at it!
If focusing on phonemes, (including 23 phonemes plus r-clusters, l-clusters and s-clusters) tap to select which ones you will be addressing.
Next chose the position you will be targeting—initial, medial and/or final positions of words. In addition, you can opt to select/remove words from the list of possibilities for that sound/position.
This app contains over 1000 images. Most of the pictures are realistic, true to life representations of the actual words, which is always a great feature. After tapping on the picture, a verbal prompt is given of the targeted picture. You can then mark it as correct/incorrect by tapping on the check mark or “X” symbol at the bottom of the screen. Addressing the phrase or sentence level instead? Tap on the color-coded tabs below the picture and you will be provided with a phrase and sentence for each picture as well.
The following phonological processes can be addressed as well: fronting, stopping, deaffrication, initial consonant deletion, backing, gliding, final consonant deletion and consonant cluster reduction.
Zeroing in on Manner of Articulation? Chose from affricates, plosives, liquids, fricatives, glides, nasals and clusters.
And finally, for those kiddos working on syllabification/multi-syllables, you can focus on 1, 2, 3 or 4-syllable words (also at the word, phrase and sentence levels.) So far, none of the other articulation apps that I own provide this feature. A nice extra for the students on your caseload that are addressing this goal!
So if all those wonderful features haven’t already sold you on this app, I have a few more points of interest to highlight:
1–The app’s settings can be customized to keep/remove the sounds after a response is marked.
2–You can turn on/off the automatic picture changing.
3– You can remove the visual counter at the bottom of the screen that shows how many correct response the student has made. (I know many kids get hung up on wanting to keep track of their scores. Some even tend to get upset when they see they are not doing well. ) This feature is a good way to remove this distraction and keep the session focused and positive.
4-There is a note-taking option—a nice feature if you want to keep specific information about a student’s performance contained in the app and refer back to it at a later time.
5-There is a “rotate” button which allows you to change the orientation of the picture (moves 90 degrees for every tap) so that your student can be looking at the image while sitting across from you (think flip-book).
6-Want to record your students responses and play them back? This app allows for voice recording too—great for increasing awareness and self-monitoring!!
Had enough fun for one day? Complete your session by tapping on the home button and proceeding to the bottom of the screen where you can click on the “reports” button. Here you can review student data. It will break down data for the phonemes targeted, the positions they were targeted in , and an overall accuracy percentage. You can also share your data via email, or print out a copy for your records.
What would I change or add?? Not too much! However, I’d love to see some sort of reward system in place (similar to the trophies given in Smarty Ears language app, Language Empires). I think it would help keep the kids interested, motivated and entertained.
So there you have it–an extremely comprehensive, well-organized, visually appealing app for addressing articulation on so many levels. I used it frequently before the update, but find myself reaching for it even more now that a few changes and additions have occurred. Smarty Ears has put this app on sale for a short time, so you can grab it for $24.99 until April 27th. After that, it’s back to full price for $38.99. Regardless of the price point, you will get your money’s worth and find yourself using it over and over with your caseload.
Smarty Ears generously provided me with a code to give away on my site. No other form of compensation was provided.
And now for the giveaway!!!
To go along with this wonderful app, I am giving away a copy of Phonological Awareness Football, available in my TpT store! This download includes 21 pages. 2 pages of each color-coded helmet category for: identifying how many syllables in a word, what sound begins/ends a word, rhyming, syllable segmentation. Blank cards for each category are also included to add your own words to cards.
How great is that?! A code and a download!! You can enter the rafflecopter giveaway below! Contest ends April 30th at midnight!

I think it will be beneficial for at least 75% of my caseload. Great app!!!
I would use this app with about 80% of my caseload. My preschoolers would especially benefit from this app.
I’m thinking that it will benefit approx. 75-80% of my caseload.
Probably 60-70% 🙂
I travel between 3 schools and this would probably benefit 50% or more of my caseload. Thanks for the opportunity.
I think it will be beneficial for 80% of my caseload 🙂
I can always use more products for articulation. I would love to win this.
Hi! Glad I found your page! I have been a Smarty Ears fans for several years and love Barbara’s apps! My current case load is artic, so this would be great to add to my bag of tricks. The other half is non-verbal and we are working on communicative intent and/or AAC. I was pleased to see the addition of the Picky Eaters page, so many of our kids have sensory issues that impact their nutrition!
I think it would be applicable to use with 75-80% of my caseload.
I have to supply all of my own apps my school does not pay for any of them. This would be a great app to use with my students. I would love to win it!
Probably about 50%!
Looks fantastic!
I think this would help about 30% of my caseload. Thanks!
We use Smarty Ears apps with our caseload of 60 on a daily basis. We have 10 IPads that have several of your apps downloaded and used with several of our students. Your apps are high quality and I believe we would use this new app Phonological Awareness Football daily as well with at least 80% of our students
I have been trying to get the school to add tis app to my iPad. It is great. Will love the phonological one too! Great programs.
I am loving this! I work in an integrated preschool classroom and we do all of our therapy within the classroom. I also work on phonemic awareness skills with all of the children in the classroom. I am always looking for fun, motivating ways for children to target their goals and for all children to benefit from. Thanks for the review!
I think this will benefit over 80% of my caseload! I have searching for another great articulation app, and this looks like the one! Thanks for sharing!
About 50% of my current caseload. Thanks!
This would benefit 75% of my caseload.
It would benefit ALL of my articulation students! I could really use this app.
At least 80% if not more!!!
50% of my caseload would benefit from this app!
I have been wanting this app and would love to win it for use with my speech kids!,
At least half this year! I can probably find some way to use it with my language kids too though.
Always looking for new articulation games. My kids will love them
This app could benefit my entire caseload if I got really creative!!
I think this app would benefit 80-90% of students on my caseload. Thanks for the opportunity and information!
30% at least