Do you remember my Thanksgiving-themed product “A Feast of Turkey Topics” that I posted in my TpT store back in November? It was kind of popular with some of you looking for ways to work on main ideas and supporting details with your students. TeachersPay Teachers chose it as one of its Top 10 FREEBIES of the week and over 12,000 of you liked it so much, you decided to download it, and another 100 or so of you gave it some nice feedback in my store. One recurring comment left by several of you was “Please make more products similar to this one!” So I listened to your requests and did just that!
Introducing Main Idea Cookies!
If your students like cookies, they will have fun learning to identify and write about topics, main ideas and supporting details with a cookie and winter theme!
This packet includes:
a visual aid or analogy for explaining the topic, main idea and supporting details.
12 cookie jar topics. Match them to the cookies (main ideas) OR give students just the topic card and ask them to come up with their OWN main idea.
9 images that represent supporting details (make additional copies of this page, then shuffle cards and stack them in a pile). Ask students to provide 3-4 supporting details for each cookie jar/cookie match. The first to collect all 9 ingredients is the winner!
8 real life photos that include a topic statement. Students are required to create a main idea and supporting details to accompany each picture cue.
Four original winter themed paragraphs. Students must identify and paraphrase the main idea of the story and pick out two supporting details to write in the spaces provided. A box is
also provided for drawing a picture of what is happening in the paragraph.
Also included are blank jars/cookies to create your own topics and/or main ideas, a graphic organizer for writing out the topic, main idea and supporting details and a paragraph writing page.
And if you are ready to start your new year off on a healthy note, check out my very good for you Oatmeal Wheat Germ Cookies. You can print it out and add it to your collection of SpeechSnacks recipes!
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