As I sat in the waiting room during my son’s orthodontist appointment this past week, I began flipping through a photo album in the office. The album contained many pages of happy patients showing off their new smiles after treatment was completed. In the front of the album was a quote that immediately caught my attention: “The man who works with his hands is a laborer, the man who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman, the man who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist.” These words from St. Francis of Assisi not only hold great meaning to my son’s orthodontist, but are so true of our profession as well.
As SLPs/educators, we are a combination of laborer, craftsmen (or craftswomen!) and artist. We incorporate our hands, our head and our heart into our work every day. Our hands are in perpetual motion as we use them to cut, glue, fold, write, draw, wave, hold, point, clap, gesture……Our heads help us create, plan, decide, troubleshoot, listen, learn, grow…..Our hearts are a source for caring, guiding, sharing, loving, reassuring. I think St. Francis’ words definitely sum up our profession very accurately! We truly are like artists–the students we work with are each a unique masterpiece. Their young minds are the canvas and we provide the vibrant brush strokes that help enhance and develop these creations!
I liked the quote so much that it inspired me to create my own visual so that I can display it in my therapy room when the new school year begins. I wanted to share it with all of you as well! You can find the poster in my TpT store. I included three colored versions and one black/white design. I hope it will be an inspirational reminder of why we do what we do every day and bring you positive vibes as you prepare for the upcoming school year! Enjoy! (I’d love to get your feedback on this freebie so don’t forget to leave a few words in my TpT store.)

I LOVE this! thank you!