The year flew by! Each year seems to move faster than the one before it. I know they say “time flies when you’re having fun,” but it also tends to behave in the same way as a result of growing older! I’m trying to convince myself that the initial, not the latter, is the reason for the accelerated pace!
I’d like to wrap up my busy year by sharing a few bloggy highlights, count-down style! So let’s start the count at 10. Here are my highlights from this past year……….
* added over TEN NEW PRODUCTS in my TpT store
My target population is middle and high school students. Most of my activities are language-based and many carry a seasonal theme or a theme of high interest to older students. Creating activities for the older students can be a challenge but it is so rewarding to get a positive response from them–they are my biggest supporters (and critics) and they think it’s pretty cool that I create activities just for them! You can find all my products in my TpT store. I’d love for you to visit when you have a minute!
* whipped up at least NINE “SpeechSnacks” food-tivities on my blog:
…like this hysterical and creative April Fool’s fake-out idea.…and this “toothy” treat for Halloween
Browse the post archives on my site for many more food-tivities to try at home or with your students at school when permitted!
* created EIGHT NEW FREEBIES in my TpT Store:
You can check them all out here, but please, please take a moment to leave a little feedback and let me know what you think of my activities. I put hours of time into my products, even my freebies, and it would mean so much to me!! I would also LOVE if you followed my store by clicking on the green star next to my logo!!!!
* posted SEVEN crafty ideas to use in your therapy sessions:
Here are a couple you can quickly access—-I was inspired by a very healthy root veggie to create this crafty Valentine idea……and this St. Patty’s idea was inspired by some wine corks that I just happened to have left over after enjoying a glass of red.
I gave away apps (thanks to the generosity of Smarty Ears, my own TpT products and a product box filled with amazing materials thanks to 3D SLP). Check out the complete 3DSLP blog post here!!! Keep following my blog and you might be the lucky winner of a product to add to your therapy bag of tricks in 2015!
* participated in FIVE LINKY PARTIES:
Are you familiar with these? Jenna at Speech Room News does an awesome job organizing linky parties throughout the year. If you want some great product suggestions to add to your “cart” during the big TpT sales, then you must check out what SLP’s are recommending from various TpT stores!
I had so much fun joining an amazingly talented group of SLP’s on Facebook this year. We created freebies and gave them away on our Facebook pages when followers “liked” our pages. Facebook has changed the rules a bit, so we won’t be throwing any more frenzies, however we have a new surprise in store for you. Keep reading to find out more!
* reviewed THREE PRODUCT:
an app review for Language Trainer by Smarty Ears,
an app review for iName It by Smarty Ears,
a product review for Tatyana Ellesef– Executive Function Impairments in At-Risk Pediatric Populations.
* shared TWO EXPERIENCES that connected my real-life to my speechie-life….
You must check out how I compared my kitchen renovation experience this past summer to the language concepts and students I teach! Read about it HERE and HERE!
And see how I shared my own holiday traditions with my middle and high school students to form meaningful connections with them!
* named to ONE TOP 75 LIST!
I was so honored to find out that my blog made this list! I’m in great company so check out all the amazing sites that were named to the
BEST WEBSITES FOR Speech Pathology–TOP 75 for 2015!
And now for something new!
Introducing The Frenzied SLP’s…coming to you this January 2015!
We launch in January with an introduction from each SLP contributor along with some tips for making this a great New Year 2015! Stay tuned for my tip (and a recipe) to start your year off on a positive note!
Looking forward to all that 2015 has in store!

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